Where is the project site?
Along Salt Lake Boulevard from Maluna Street to Ala Lilikoi Street and along the adjacent right-of-ways.
What will the project include?
Phase 3A will include improvements to makai retaining walls, R1 and R2, and grading the area located between the makai retaining walls to the existing travelway edge. A grass swale within the graded area will be provided for drainage conveyance and stormwater quality treatment. The proposed makai sidewalk will be constructed, along with the installation of makai street lighting and any essential utilities during this segment. The essential utility installations include any drainage crossings necessary to convey existing offsite drainage through the site, relocation of two 8-inch fuel lines, new 36-inch main and 8-inch main waterline installations, and various utility relocations.
When was this project contract awarded and to whom?
City and County of Honolulu Construction Contract No. 1478318 - Salt Lake Boulevard Widening Phase 3A, RFB-DDC-1478318 was award in June of 2021 to Goodfellow Bros. LLC
Who will manage this construction project?
Bowers + Kubota will be the construction manager
How long is the project expected to take?
March 2026
When will the project start?
February 28, 2022
Will there be any utility or road outages for residents along the project route?
Minimal utility outages may occur. The contractor will plan these outages for non-peak/overnight periods. Numerous lane closures are expected throughout the project. Construction impacts to area residents, businesses, and commuters will be regularly communicated through a project website as needed.
Will project area residents, businesses, commuters, etc… be inconvenienced during the project?
Measures will be taken to specifically manage traffic and safety issues as the construction enters the roadways along the project route.
What actions are going to be taken to make sure residents, businesses and their customers have access during construction work?
The contractor will work to try to minimize the impact and to ensure access points are available at all times. Traffic controls, flagmen and special duty police officers will be engaged to assist with lane closures and access issues.​